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buy VANE PUMP for VICKERS 35VQ38 | Partsdic®

buy VANE PUMP for VICKERS 35VQ38 | Partsdic®



buy VANE PUMP for VICKERS 35VQ38 | Partsdic®


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Product Detail

This vane pump is specifically engineered to be fully compatible with VICKERS 35VQ38 hydraulic systems. It is designed to integrate seamlessly into the existing setup, ensuring optimal performance and reliability within the context of machinery equipped with VICKERS 35VQ38 components.


Manufactured by [Your Manufacturer Name], a leading name in the hydraulic component industry. Our commitment to quality, precision engineering, and adherence to international standards ensures that this vane pump meets and exceeds the expectations of our customers.

Performance Specifications


Rated Displacement: The pump has a rated displacement of [X] cm³ per revolution. This value determines the volume of hydraulic fluid the pump displaces with each full rotation of its shaft. It is a fundamental parameter that directly influences the flow rate and overall performance of the hydraulic system.

Tolerance: The displacement tolerance is maintained within ± [Y]% of the rated value. This tight tolerance ensures consistent performance across different operating conditions, minimizing variations in the amount of fluid displaced per revolution and contributing to a stable and reliable flow rate.

Pressure Ratings

Rated Pressure: The pump is designed to operate continuously at a rated pressure of [P1] bar. This is the maximum pressure at which the pump can function efficiently and reliably over an extended period. It is a crucial specification for ensuring that the pump can meet the demands of the hydraulic system under normal operating conditions.

Maximum Pressure: It can withstand a maximum pressure of [P2] bar for short - term peak loads. This maximum pressure rating provides a safety margin for the pump, protecting it from damage during sudden pressure surges or extreme operating conditions that may occur in the hydraulic system.

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Product Detail

This vane pump is specifically engineered to be fully compatible with VICKERS 35VQ38 hydraulic systems. It is designed to integrate seamlessly into the existing setup, ensuring optimal performance and reliability within the context of machinery equipped with VICKERS 35VQ38 components.


Manufactured by [Your Manufacturer Name], a leading name in the hydraulic component industry. Our commitment to quality, precision engineering, and adherence to international standards ensures that this vane pump meets and exceeds the expectations of our customers.

Performance Specifications


Rated Displacement: The pump has a rated displacement of [X] cm³ per revolution. This value determines the volume of hydraulic fluid the pump displaces with each full rotation of its shaft. It is a fundamental parameter that directly influences the flow rate and overall performance of the hydraulic system.

Tolerance: The displacement tolerance is maintained within ± [Y]% of the rated value. This tight tolerance ensures consistent performance across different operating conditions, minimizing variations in the amount of fluid displaced per revolution and contributing to a stable and reliable flow rate.

Pressure Ratings

Rated Pressure: The pump is designed to operate continuously at a rated pressure of [P1] bar. This is the maximum pressure at which the pump can function efficiently and reliably over an extended period. It is a crucial specification for ensuring that the pump can meet the demands of the hydraulic system under normal operating conditions.

Maximum Pressure: It can withstand a maximum pressure of [P2] bar for short - term peak loads. This maximum pressure rating provides a safety margin for the pump, protecting it from damage during sudden pressure surges or extreme operating conditions that may occur in the hydraulic system.

buy VANE PUMP for VICKERS 35VQ38 | Partsdic®
buy VANE PUMP for VICKERS 35VQ38 | Partsdic®
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